Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency is currently on bullish momentum by 126.98% in the last 30 days. At 09:41 EST on Saturday, 8 May, Bitcoin Cash is at $1,409.10.
Bitcoin Cash Range
About Bitcoin Cash’s daily highs and lows, it’s 124.78% up from its trailing 30 days low of $626.87 and 10.8% down from its trailing 30 days high of $1,579.71.
Social Status
Currently, Bitcoin Cash has 525448 Reddit subscribers.
Bitcoin Cash’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was 659.50%, 659.50%, and 659.50%, respectively.
Bitcoin Cash’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 659.50% (last week), 659.50% (last month), and 659.50% (last quarter), respectively.
News about Bitcoin
Bridgewater CFO dalby leaving for Bitcoin services firm. According to Bloomberg Quint on Friday, 7 May, “This week, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said it will offer new Bitcoin derivatives to Wall Street investors.”, “It offers customers Bitcoin custody, execution and financing and is a subsidiary of $10 billion alternative asset manager Stone Ridge. “
Goldman offers new Bitcoin derivatives to wall street investors. According to Bloomberg Quint on Thursday, 6 May, “But client interest and Bitcoin’s astronomical price gains — reaching a high of almost $65,000 in April — have turned many bankers around, with Morgan Stanley making a Bitcoin trust product available to its customers and JPMorgan working on a similar offering.”, “For years after its creation in 2009, Bitcoin was shunned by Wall Street banks, with JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon once threatening to fire any of his traders caught buying and selling the digital currency. “
Bitcoin traders in U.S. lack investor protections, gensler says. According to Bloomberg Quint on Thursday, 6 May, “But there are some areas, particularly Bitcoin trading on large exchanges, that the public is not currently really protected.”, “The SEC has signaled that Bitcoin is a commodity under U.S. law and therefore not subject to the agency’s toughest rules.”
More news about Bitcoin Cash.