Mila Kunis may have been late to the NFT party, but her ‘Stoner Cats’ offerings reportedly sold out in minutes

Cats voiced by Ashton Kutcher, Chris Rock, Seth MacFarlane and Jane Fonda.

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Golden Globe-nominated actor and comedic standout Mila Kunis recently put 10,000-plus non-fungible tokens about her new animated series, Stoner Cats, up for auction and may now feel like she’s the cat that got the cream.


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Developed, drawn and edited by industry veterans and long-time friends Chris Cartagena, Sarah Cole and Ash Brannon, the for-adults series tells the story of five cat friends who partake a special weed.

That exploration “reveals the complex personalities of each cat and forces them to balance their newfound abilities with the need to keep their adoptive family together,” notes information on the show.

That’s the main gist, although the five- to seven-minute episodes are sure to be filled with stoner references. Of course, how could they not, given that the cats will be voiced by Ashton Kutcher as Baxter “The Hackster,” Chris Rock as Hamilton “The Bold,” Seth MacFarlane as both Reginald “The Sophisticat” and Dave “The Free Spirit” and Jane Fonda as Ms. Stoner “The Matriarch.”


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After discovering the labour of love, the series received the backing of Kunis and Orchard Farm Productions. “Together they created a formidable team of Hollywood creatives, talented animators, tech and NFTs experts to create and distribute Stoner Cats in a new, ground-breaking format,” the show information adds.

And that format is NFTs. Curious like a cat about Stoner Cats?

Owning a related token, 10,420 of which became available last week and provide access to the animated short, is the only way for viewers to get a look-see. They look somewhat like CryptoKitties, but access is somewhat like having a subscription to a very specific streaming service.

If you own the collectible NFT, you gain membership to a super cool club. That club is your admission to the show. PLUS you’ll get access to exclusive stuff and fun perks,” the show information adds.


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Instagram post announcing upcoming release. / Instagram
Instagram post announcing upcoming release. / Instagram

Citing the Spanish edition of Green Entrepreneur, the publication reports the recent auction attracted loads of attention, with the tokens sold out in 35 minutes and about US$8.3 million being raised. Even as people were trying to get their piece of the kitty pie, the Ethereum blockchain transaction fees were rising.

In an interview with CoinDesk, posted on youtube, Kunis relays a dinner with Kutcher and friends almost a decade ago when some people started talking about cryptocurrency.

Kunis was not an immediate fan, with her initial assessment being, “This is dumb… You guys shouldn’t invest in this.”

Fast forward a few years, Kunis said she thought about things a little more and thought, “I think I’m on the wrong side of history on this one.” In the past year, however, Kunis said she has embraced crypto wholeheartedly.

The original thought with Stoner Cats was to release it via streaming or broadcast, but with the pandemic in full force, the animation market became very saturated, she explained.

To become more different and stand out, that is when backers decided to go the NFT route. “We wanted to be very loud and very specific and very honest and true to its nature,” Kunis pointed out.


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