Hivearium and the riddle hidden behind NFTs

Hive Mind is the metaverse of the NFT Hivearium project, conceived as an immense and complicated puzzle that can be solved by immersing oneself in the works and finding clues hidden in them. Anyone who owns an NFT artwork possesses a key piece to decode the enigma.

All purchasers of the non-fungible tokens of the Hivearium project, therefore, will be able to participate in this game. Hive Mind is thus a kind of rebus, which artist Roberto Giavarini explains is a game inspired by Hermann Hesse’s novel entitled “The Glass Bead Game” from 1943.

The enjoyment of artworks, in their different forms and as a whole, leads toward the solution of the riddle. The solution itself is the key toward a greater enigma, all enshrined in the Hive mind. 

The Hivearium project

Hivearium is an NFT and metaverse project that was the brainchild of a single artist, Roberto Giavarini, who provided both for creating the virtual works and for composing music, writing the literary texts, and devising all the concepts and organic form of the Hive Mind metaverse.

Basically, over time Hivearium will drop a large amount of created NFTs representing artwork content, which can be displayed in the Hive Mind metaverse.

Any collector who buys an NFT from Hivearium will be able to see his or her artwork in the HIVE MIND metaverse, so that he or she will always be an integral part of the project and the community and have visibility for possible purchases and sales.

Music is a constitutive part of the project. Giavarini composed Hivearium’s anthem THE HYMN OF BEES and composed 50 instrumental pieces, each a metamorphosis of the initial anthem. 

The Hivearium game

As mentioned, in Hive Mind there are 50 discs of music. Of course, this is not a random number either. As Giavarini explains, there are 50:

“because the entire Hive Mind is conceived in dialogue with Michael Maier’s “Atalanta fugiens” (1617), an esoteric alchemical text composed of 50 Latin discourses, 50 engravings and 50 musical canons. It is a very difficult code to understand but definitely enlightening.”

Here the Hive Mind metaverse fully dialogues with what is enshrined in that ancient text, which, in turn, is a mysterious initiatory path. It is about total art. Hivearium is thus actually a work that dialogues with the heights of ancient knowledge and adds to them the new knowledge of physics and philology. 

From a structural point of view, the Hive Mind draws its foundations mainly from Luca Pacioli’s “De divina Proportione” (1509) (a work created in collaboration with Leonardo da Vinci), and Francesco Colonna’s monumental “Hypnerotomachia Poliphili” (1499). 

Giavarini then goes on to explain:

“I dissected everything about those texts while designing Hive Mind. That is why the project has evolved to its current form. We have a duty to dialogue on an equal level with those from the past who have left us immense treasures.”

The project’s collectors thus find themselves in possession of fragments of ancient knowledge that dialogue with the present day. In this way, the hodlers of the NFT works become part of an immense and articulate game. By exchanging opinions and deductions they can attempt, by joining forces, to solve the riddle that I have hidden. 

Indeed, it is worth mentioning that there are different solutions to the puzzles. From the most accessible ones to those for people devoted to research. A game for everyone. Even combining the solutions of the different levels leads to the solution of the final riddle. Everyone can help everyone.